Know South Dakota No-Till Association
“It is natural for a soil to be covered with vegetation, and when the land is continually under the plow and only one crop is grown, an unnatural condition exists, and as a result there is a loss of fertility.”
Quote by Harry Snyder, University of Minnesota Soil Scientist, 1900
The primary goal of the SDNTA is to improve agriculture in the state of SD by using and encouraging the utilization of diverse, low-disturbance, continuous no-till systems. These systems provide substantial agronomic, economic, and environmental benefits. The SDNTA focuses on developing networks among no-till producers; encourages research and demonstration projects focused on improving no-till farming practices; and disseminates educational information about no till farming practices.

Resources/videos 2019-2021
Building Grassland Soil Health. by Stan Boltz, Reg. Soil Health Specialist. NRCS-SD
Building Soil Health in a C-SB and C-SB-Wh Rotation. Abbey Wick, Soil Health Specialist, NDSU
Building Soil Health while Stacking Enterprises & Increasing Profits.
Native Soil Nutrient Supply & Carbon Basics. Anthony Bly, Soils Field Specialist, SDSU
Section 1. Any person who has an interest in no-till farming methods, practice and procedure may become a member upon payment of annual dues as fixed by these Bylaws.
Section 2. Each membership shall be entitled to one vote on each member at any meeting of the members. Only paid individual members are eligible to vote. No voting by proxy or mail shall be permitted.
Upcoming EVENTS-2023
Promoting no till, soil conservation and diverse cropping systems in SD since 1985!
Save the Dates: > Gettysburg No Till/Soil Health Day-January 17, 2023 > Mitchell Soil Health/No Till Event- February 9, 2023